“I just brought round this rock melon I grew in the garden to say, welcome to the neighborhood!” (Rolly) Diptych 150cm x 80cm, 150cm x 80cm
Margaret walks past my house everyday with her dog. Margaret is Rolly’s wife, you should see them together, they are such a gorgeous couple. Diptych 150cm x 80cm, 150cm x 80cm
“So do you kids throw bundies at each other these days?” (Me) Diptych 150cm x 80cm, 150cm x 80cm
“I just brought round this rock melon I grew in the garden to say, welcome to the neighborhood!” (Rolly) Diptych 150cm x 80cm, 150cm x 80cm
People around here
I really quite enjoy living around here. I guess being a suburban girl its not surprising. What surprises me is that suburbia and the suburbanite have become the scapegoat for all that is distasteful about Australian culture. I find this quite interesting given that most Australians actually live in a suburb. So what and who is it that makes up this generic Suburbia? The mythologizing of suburbia and the suburbanite is what inspires my current body of work. The anti-suburbia sentiment is alive and well in the cultural imaginary and the popular critique just doesn’t sit right with me. People around here, is a series documenting people in the suburb I have lived for the last 10 years.